He was a competent, unoriginal writer.
An inebriated hawker of hastily written words.
He deserves to be remembered,
within his own vacant universe.
Little black lines constantly flowing,
boring, nice, normal, liquid I will be.
I’ve never seen a meteor shower.
Sitting on my hard knee,
wishing for the soft lap,
and later in the tent,
I wanna fuck you like a dinasour,
it’s my fantasy.

How long before it will all
become normal
and everyday like?
What’s on your mind,
are you lost in time?
Do you know who Hitler talked about
when he talked about the supreme male?
That’s right.
I’m so hot right now,
my skin feels like it’s glowing.
You should be alone, I shouldn’t.
I like depressing.
You haven’t read American Psycho, I’m guessing?

In my fantasy all wishes come true.
I’m good to imagine,
it’s almost real. Only better.
You have love. You don’t need mine.
That’s why my mouth is yours at a distance.
It was fun. Bye.
Are you polymorphically perverse today?
Subtle sexy is the best sexy.
A rage wild dominator, mouth gags and whips-
a fetish for electrosex.
How fucking hilarious,
do whatever you feel like.
Do me.

~ by princessfreckles on November 27, 2012.

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